
Artist in Residence | Sensory Storytelling | Montefeltro, Italy 2016

During a Creative Research Residency called The Periodic Table (After a novel by Primo Levi), founded by Judith van der Elst, an international, interdisciplinairy group of artists and designers interested in the sensory richness of landscapes, explore and experience the basic tangibility of sensory design and art. Followed by specialized workshops and sessions about odor as part of the ‘Code Biology’ Conference in Urbino Italy. Initiating transdisciplinairy collaborations focused on sensory landscape, it’s sound-scapes, smell-scapes, visions and flavors function as the start of a 'Rural Renaissance', to celebrate the sensory richness of the land. Eva van Strien & Sarah Daher propose new perspectives on perceiving and consuming air through a series of workshops and interactive sound and scent installations.

Investigating & experiencing the ‘Elemental’ tangibility of sensory design and sensory landscapes.

Move, Sense & Gather - trail

We walk/run outdoors as we believe that there are many signs that are beneficial and are hard to find in urban settings in such concentrations. This sensory richness, we believe, is unchartered territory, a terra incognita. We will follow part of a trail of the Alta Via Dei Parchi, following an old path through the northern Apennines about 500 kilometers in total length. This is also the location of the envisioned, but never completed ‘sun city’ by the Medici’s, initiated during the mid sixteenth century. Reasons for abandoning this project were multiple but mainly climatic. We probe the land for clues. During our trails we focus on multi-sensory observation and collecting samples for the odor workshops.

Mapping Emotional words to fragrances and flavours

Using Sauvignon Blanc which is the same base white wine used in the testing and training of human sensory panels at Plant and Food Research NZ we’ll employ a large array of natural and synthetic flavours and fragrances to create a set of standards for creative mapping of emotional words to fragrance.

The translation and interpretations of internal states into taste and fragrance is based on reflecting on mental equivalents, exploring intuitive responses to the signals and ciphers of olfaction sensory primitives that can be measured by the expansive or contractive sensations felt, and the accompanying aural tones or colours experienced. The elementary forms of olfaction cyphers may be a primitive grammar that began in the formation of human thought, as smell was the first sense organ to develop.


This project was made possible through partial funding from Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie. And co-produced/ funded by: AsTheCrow, Zone2Source, FoAM; Machine WIlderness; Raewyn Turner & Brian Harris > Food & Flavour Research New Zealand Intermedia Projects.